The Novels of D. E. Stevenson

A Sampling Of Covers and Editions

Hardcover Editions--The 1950s

Vittoria Cottage .Courtesy of Catie.

Music in the Hills was copyrighted in 1950. This is a Chicago publication of the People's Book Club.

The inside cover of Music In the Hills too. Rhoda is painting while James looks on.

This edition of Winter and Rough Weather (aka Shoulder the Sky ) is a 1951 UK Collins edition.

A 1952 UK Collins edition of Mrs.Tim Flies Home

A Five Windows Collins (UK) edition from 1953.

Charlotte Fairlie is a Collins edition published in 1954. Courtesy of Anne Midwinter.

This hardcover Amberwell was originally published in 1955. This is a Collins Book Club edition. The price on the dust jacket is 12s. 6d.

Summerhills 1956, is also a Collins London andGlasgow first edition. The cover illustration is by Robert Johnston.

The Tall Stranger 1957, is also a Collins edition. Courtesy of Anne Midwinter.

Anna and Her Daughters i s a Collins 1958 first edition published in London and Glasgow.

An Anna and Her Daughters published the same year as the one at right, but a Rinehart & Company, Inc. New York, edition.

A Still Glides the Stream from New York: Rinehart and Co., 1959

This Young Mrs. Savage edition is a UK publication.

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